Saturday, December 17, 2011

One idea to focus the world on its energy problem, decrease C02, and lower welfare, what do you thing of it?

A Global reality T.V. series which focused the worlds attention on alternative energy and global warming by having world governments and corporations donate money for a substantial cash prize for the best solution to alternative energy, to include the most cost effective way to implement that idea into existing industry, so as not to upset the balance of wealth in the petrolium industry with the least amount of down time for transition. And a global recognition award for their achievement. The money and the prestige would be a huge carrot. And also to offer governmental tax breaks to citizens for donations to plant trees which produce oxygen and burn C02, this would be cost effective to the government. And that the trees would be fruit trees, and the produce given to families on welfare, thereby reducing the amount in dollars that would need to be paid to each family. We could increase agricultural exports of fruit, providing a higher national economy as well. Agree?


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